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Dramatic Sunset

Read an excerpt from Book 3, Chapter 62 from Change is Natural is provided to discover
Reconnecting with Earth
Naturally Through Nature

I was sitting by the open window in a somewhat agitated state. I noted a bird singing, and I allowed myself to open to it. I began to sense the song in my heart. Bird song is 528Hz, the same frequency as the note ‘mi’ of your heart chakra. The very note you need to repair your DNA. The frequencies aren’t the story, the bird song and the nature within nature is. Hearing nature had allowed me to reconnect into and resonate with the Earth. This is of prime importance for me, you and humanity. Reconnecting with the Earth upon which we live is vitally important. When I listened to the bird song with my entire body, my body went into a different state as it began to sense the rhythm of life presented by nature. What could you learn if you connected with everything in nature—every insect, every bird, every reptile, every animal, every tree? Even the amoeba thinks, so even the amoeba sings. This means each thing you resonate with holds information for you. Everything you resonate with you share energy with. As my awareness of this was growing, I went for a walk in a garden. I projected my mind into every plant in the garden. In effect, I was resonating with each individual plant. What I experienced was amazing and somewhat beyond words. Every plant was completely different. With some flowers, I felt I was stretching up to the sunlight, while with others I felt cool and relaxed, and yet with still other plants I felt balance, almost a reserved nature as the plant was conserving its energy in the heat of the day. The indigenous knew that if you’re having a tiring day, you could hug an oak tree, and allow it to raise your energy. If you’re still with me to this point, then you’ve absorbed a lot of information about the science of things, so you’re ready to move to a higher construct. This is the construct of life itself, the ethereal touchstones. In In Rediscovering Who You Really Are (2010), I discussed Life Force Energy at some length.1 It presents physicists with significant challenges of analysis, and yet if they were to join you and me in nature, they wouldn’t have to measure Life Force Energy. They could see it all around them, they could immerse themselves in it. Homo Luminous is all about moving into the higher objective mind state, and resonating with the grand holographic mind. When you live your life from stillness and the holographic mind, you’ll be connected to the Matrix and you’ll access the information and skills that the dimensions of higher vibration bring. The easiest way to achieve this is to be in nature. Sit and observe nature. Not with a critical or analytical eye, but with a view of observing Life Force Energy at work. Life Force Energy is the energy of creation. Doing something in nature is not the same thing as being in nature. You want to be nature. When you learn to be nature again, you’ll recapture the joy of the child within you and you’ll regain what mankind has lost, instinct. All the problems and riddles of your daily life can be solved with a walk in nature. My good friend, Brian, the inventing physicist, integrates and creates best when puffing on a cigar and pondering nature. Nature doesn’t judge, it leaves that to you The difference between nature and humanity is that nature doesn’t judge. As you’ve learned, judging something causes you to become that thing. It is what has kept humanity in a low vibration, taking everything personally. Nature doesn’t take it personally. When a salmon is swimming up river and its journey is interrupted by a bear splashing in the water, it doesn’t take it personally. It doesn’t turn to its fellow salmon and say, “You know those bears are really being mean today, they’re chasing us salmon.” It sees a bear paw in the water and it moves away. That’s what instinct is. I once had a business partner whose telephone call I’d overheard. After the call, I mentioned I’d seen that scenario before and if he went left, our company would fall into a pit of snakes. A week later, he turned left and we fell into a pit of snakes. Looking at life through his wall of wounds, he couldn’t connect into his instinct. Set your intention and let your instinct lead you to your objective. Nature has the lessons; nature is the only place you’ll re-develop your instincts. Your journey to Homo Luminous is going to be richer when you reconnect and resonate with nature. When you do this, you’re reconnecting and resonating with the infinite creative source. When you reconnect with nature you’ll be one with all things. Nature and balance I’ve covered a lot of material in these books and offered a lot of exercises, all to assist you in understanding and remembering the magnificence of your next evolutionary step into Homo Luminous. One of the keys to your success lies with you living in balance so you can absorb more Life Force Energy and rise in vibration. You’ve read about the great wobble in Who’s in Control of The Powerful You and Why That’s Changing (2010). In this book I’ve highlighted how limiting beliefs may have been contributing to your personal wobble and I’ve given you lots of exercises to de-wobble you. Yet despite all of the wobbling here and the wobbling there, a simple walk into unwobbled nature reconnects you to all that is. It’s impossible to wobble when you’re connected to nature, because in nature you’re connected to the infinite creative source. It is the best exercise of all. The indigenous have known this from time eternal. The Earth as a living being The Earth, like us, is a living being. It too, is a hologram. It too is made of imploding vortices of matter and anti-matter. Therefore, just as we contain everything in the universe, so too does the Earth. As mentioned in Rediscovering Who You Really Are, like us, the Earth is awakening. The physical manifestation of this awakening is the re-activation of her crystals of consciousness. As the Earth rises in vibration we see the evidence, such as the fact that the Earth is beginning to regenerate herself. She’s doing this at an amazing rate. The glaciers are melting. Some point to this and move into fear. They’re simply lacking the information that the Earth is replenishing herself with fresh water and facilitating the re-germination of the planet. Plants are germinating and growing three times faster today than they were just a couple of years back, contributing to regenerating the great rainforests of the world. The great rift in the Atlantic Ocean is issuing forth water with an extra atom of oxygen attached to it: H2O2. This renders this water molecule incapable of being polluted. The Earth is intelligent. The Earth is estimated to be more than 4.3 billion years old, based upon the examination of zircon crystals from Western Australia. So, the crystal kingdom has been here from the inception of the planet, but mineral crystals themselves stopped growing on the Earth some 32 million-plus years ago. Here’s a news flash from the awakening planet though—if you take your crystals down off your shelf and plant them in the garden they’ll begin to grow again. The Earth has risen that much in vibration already. There’s much more order being made in the chaos than you might expect. Avoid joining those who use the state of the Earth to purvey fear One of the lessons I’ve learned is to not be concerned about the Earth. If I am concerned about the Earth, then I am in fear. All fear lowers our vibration and when humanity lowers its vibration, what goes with it? The vibration of the Earth. In the prior part of this book, you learned about the power of a group of people focusing with a single thought. Suffice to say that we live symbiotically with the Earth. We and she evolve together. You can’t have six billion-plus Souls in fear about the Earth and not create a negative outcome. This doesn’t mean I’m sanguine about what happens to the Earth or to her inhabitants. Quite the opposite. I’m highly aware of the state of affairs. I’m cognizant that in 100 years, humanity has overseen the extinction of 50% of all life forms on Earth. I am accountable with my life and I choose to assist the Earth and humanity to recover and move to a higher vibration, rather than to remain stuck and dwell on the damage. Harness the Law of Attraction. If you want to contribute to the healing of the Earth, then move into a positive state of possibilities. Life attracts more life. Fear just begets more fear. The very raison d’être of Pure Leadership is to assist humanity to achieve Homo Luminous status as quickly as possible in order that we can use the logarithmic power of six billion-plus Homo Luminous beings to bring more life to the Earth and the universe. I could be sitting back and watching this all on television, but I’m not. I’m getting the message out. The Earth and us It’s important to recognize though, that the Earth is on a fast track of renewal and we, have to evolve equally quickly with her. Where humanity lost its way was in losing our connection to the infinite creative source. This is evidenced by us losing our connection to one of the most beautiful living beings in the universe, the Earth. When we forgot this we lost our way, and we lost the lessons the Earth could have taught us. But we didn’t all lose our way. Time to acknowledge our mistakes and re-embrace the indigenous peoples I believe the time is ripe for a formal apology to all the indigenous peoples of the world. It’s time to acknowledge our mistakes, and it’s time to forgive ourselves and our forebears for our actions. It’s time to cleanse our DNA. The indigenous peoples of the world are the grandparents of civilization. They’ve rightfully seen themselves as the guardians of the Earth, and they’ve held unto themselves the wisdom of the Earth and her lessons. If man’s abuse of the Earth is exceeded by any one thing, it would be the abuse of those who tried to stand by her in her time of need. No matter where I travel in this world, I’m shocked at the abuse of the Earth Keepers. The jungles of Peru were once the home to millions of indigenous peoples; today they’ve been reduced to a couple hundred thousand. In my country of Canada, the residential schools run by the churches systematically exterminated the native children. The indigenous of North America have been forced onto reservations, usually on the poorest quality land. The indigenous have had their cultures destroyed to the point where they’re beginning to learn our ways to improve their standard of living. Let me repeat that “...they’re beginning to learn our ways ...”. Remember, these are the ways that have overseen the destruction of half of all living species on Earth. That should give us all pause. Nevertheless, there are indigenous who have not lost their way. They have been guarding the secrets of the Earth this entire time. It’s time to remember that we are all one. In abusing the indigenous, we are abusing ourselves. It’s time for us to awaken and rejoin with the indigenous. It’s time for us to learn the wisdom of the Earth Keepers, so that we can learn to live in harmony with the Earth. On systems and scenarios Man has fallen so asleep that our damage of the planet is more often because of benign neglect than willful action. Let me give an example of how humanity has lost its way by failing to understand that we, and the Earth, are all made up of molecules of energy. I recently had the good fortune to tour some salmon farms on the west coast of British Columbia, Canada. Some highly conscious individuals, led by Eric Hobson, have come to realize that everywhere fish farming has been introduced the local wild stocks have become extinct. This happened in Norway, and it’s now happening in Canada. Eric and friends, through their foundation of Save Our Salmon,3 have set out to do something about it. In the region we investigated, there used to be 5,000,000 pink salmon returning to the rivers each year. In 2007, there were 200,000. Salmon breed and hatch in the fresh water and then make their way as tiny fingerlings, smolts, to the ocean where they grow into adults weighing several pounds each. In the case of King or Chinook salmon, that last sentence would read ‘they grow to 50 or 60 pounds’. At the end of their life cycle, they return to the fresh water rivers of their birth to propagate and die. Salmon are what are called a keystone species. This means that many things in their environment depend upon them for life, including birds of prey, large mammals like bears, and much aquatic life. When you render a keystone species extinct, the entire ecosystem goes out of balance. Ah, there’s that word again—‘balance.’ As you’ve learned, everything is seeking balance and harmony, including nature. In terms of resonating frequency, each and every plant that grows in an area actually supports the entire area. For example, a keystone species of tree in the desert is the ironwood tree. The seeds of this tree may take a century to germinate, but when the tree begins to grow, it may continue to grow for thousands of years. How does it survive on its own? It doesn’t survive on its own. It actually builds a community of plants that support it. As the keystone species, it may ultimately send its roots down 165 feet into the Earth. The water it pulls up respires into the atmosphere during the day. At night, it releases water just below the surface of the Earth. These activities of the ironwood provide nourishment for up to 65 species of other plants, 31 of which won’t grow anywhere else. But plants can’t just grow. They have to be pollinated. So this plant community has to attract the insects and birds needed to sustain life. Pollination is an amazing aspect of nature. Are you aware that there are literally hundreds of thousands of plant pollinators that have co-evolved with specific plant species over millions of years? “Less than 6 percent of them are known to researchers. They range from bats to mosquitoes, mice, ants, opossums, bees, monkeys, beetles, lizards, flies, butterflies, flying foxes. There are at least 1500 bird species, 15,000 wasp, 40,000 bee, 20,000 butterfly and moth, 14,000 fly, 200,000 beetle, 165 bat, and 300 species of other mammals that pollinate plants. Perhaps 80 percent of all the flowering plants are pollinated by beetles. Forty percent of the angiosperms have a primary, dominant pollinator with a number of other, less regular pollinators. Some plants have only one. The 700 to 900 fig species in the world (including the Indian banyan), for the past 40 million years, have each been pollinated by its own individual kind of fig wasp. Their lives are often mutually interdependent; neither can survive without the other.” With the insects and birds come reptiles and burrowing animals, all to join and contribute to the community in a symbiotic way. How can all this happen so perfectly? Through communication— through resonance. Through cooperation. As discussed in Rediscovering Who You Really Are (2010), plants do communicate with all life and with each other. Extensive human testing has shown that plants have Reconnecting with Earth naturally through nature feelings, and can communicate what is happening to them over large distances. For example, plants generate chemicals and geometries to attract their pollinators. The Cassia plant attracts fruit flies that will respond to as little as one hundred millionth of a gram of scent.6 As scent is actually made of sound, that’s pretty quiet isn’t it? And how does mankind interact with this artfully created community? Well, we come in with these large yellow machines to bulldoze it and create our vitally-needed golf course. What was a balanced environment that may have taken thousands of years to evolve is replaced with centrifugal (exploding vortex) energy systems extracting the water of the desert aquifer and using it to grow foreign grasses. What impact do these changes have on the perfectly balanced community of the ironwood? The community dies. The remaining plants die, the insects die, the birds die, and we applaud ourselves on the contours of the 18th green and the new water hazard—a true hazard for it is incapable of sustaining any form of life. There’s only one unconscious participant in this example. It’s the one laying claim to the status of highest evolvement. Some of those claiming this status would say the highest evolvement in the universe—the height of arrogance. Does this mean that we can’t utilize the Earth at all? Of course not, but we need to regain the knowledge of the Earth Keepers in order that we can learn to build our communities like the ironwood tree does. Communities born in The work of Cleve Backster empirically demonstrated these effects. But, I’ve wandered off into the wilderness and lost my salmon story. Let’s wind our way back there. As the salmon fingerlings, about three inches long, make their way out of the fresh water rivers and streams and into the open ocean, they have to swim through the island passages. Nature provides plenty of predators so only a small fraction of these fingerlings are ever going to make it to the ocean, but that has been the wisdom of nature from the beginning of time. Unfortunately, there’s no wisdom associated with the new kid on the block, the salmon farm. If you’re not familiar with salmon farms, these are farms placed in the ocean and created by man to raise fish. Much like chicken factories on land. The salmon are put in pens and fed synthetic food pellets, much like birds and dogs are fed today. I love the comment once made by Amazon John Easterling. He pointed out that he’d never seen wolves in the wild roasting corn over an open fire. Yet these are the types of grains that our pets are made to eat. In a salmon farm there are a lot of fish in a very concentrated space. When you overcrowd any species you’d expect illness. This occurs with fish, no different than concentrating chickens and cattle. You realize that stress is an energy (an emotion actually) of low vibration, and low vibration encourages nature’s clean-up crews of bacteria and such to move in. The solution for the bacterially stressed salmon in the pens? Antibiotics. ‘Anti biotic,’ of course, means anti-life. Over 50% of all antibiotics manufactured go into the food you’re going to eat. The antibiotics fed to these farmed fish may curb the fish disease somewhat, but it does nothing to raise the vibration of the fish. They remain stressed. In fact, the stress of the natural bacteria has been swapped for the greater stress of the antibiotics. After all, anything that kills life is going to be of very low vibration itself! In this ever lower state of vibration, the farmed fish now become subjected to attacks by lice. Lice are common on large ocean going fish, but large ocean-going fish are healthy and the odd lice have no impact on their lifestyle. The government, ignoring the advice of the indigenous peoples, located the fish farms in a highly concentrated manner where the tidal flush is. They considered this to be an improvement over where they used to site the farms, which was in the calmer, more sheltered waters. You see, siting farms is important business because there’s a lot of refuse from these farms. There are high concentrations of fish excrement, antibiotics, spent food pellets, and fish fertilizers. These man-made by-products of the fish growing process tend to kill off ocean life. When you look underneath one of these farms, you’ll find zero life growing! So, the government made a new decision to put the farms in tidal flush areas so the excrement and such would be flushed out to sea. Of course, if you’re a wee tiny fingerling, some three inches in length, what’s the easiest way for you to get to the ocean? By following the tidal flush, of course. So now, the fingerlings pass right underneath the farms and what do they encounter? The lice. Now a louse on a 5 to 50 pound ocean-going fish is a lot different than a louse that takes up 20% of a fingerling. The result is the fingerlings die in the millions, and the greatest wild salmon runs on Earth wend their way to extinction under the guise of a government’s scientific fish management program. As the government began to realize the emergency nature of the problem of lice on wild stocks, it decided to introduce a chemical in 2008. The chemical is called slice. This chemical is a deadly poison that kills the lice on the farmed salmon, or some of them, but what else will it do to the salmon that ingest it? The surrounding environment? Well, things are in a state of emergency, so apparently there is no time to consider those issues. I reiterate: killing chemicals are of the lowest vibration. What happens when you put low vibration energy into a high energy natural system? The entire high energy system tries to raise up the low vibration energy. There’s more to this story, but let’s float up and look at the bigger picture. Let’s examine the beauty and balance in all the Earth’s ecosystems. After surveying the fish farms, I was on the whaling boat heading for an indigenous settlement. I raised the question of what was going on energetically in the area. No one was looking at the problem from this angle. I pointed out that trying to kill the lice has many parallels with how Western medicine is still trying to kill the bacteria— fighting yesterday’s wars. My view is a simple one; look at the energy of the systems and consider the scenarios. You have a perfectly balanced ecosystem in the Pacific Ocean. It has taken thousands or millions of years for this system to develop and find balance. Then, man drops into the Pacific Ocean a high concentration of Atlantic salmon. Immediately, you see the issue. The Atlantic salmon is not a native of the Pacific Ocean. The name kind of gives the punch line away. These Atlantic salmon may be hearty and adaptable, but their energy is foreign to the local environment. It’s like our example of the conflicting beliefs about health. The frequencies of the Atlantic salmon do not fit the balanced frequencies of the Pacific coast, any more than the Bermuda grass of a Phoenix golf course blends naturally into the desert environment. No one even yelled “fore,” as the Atlantic salmon were thrown into the Pacific Ocean fairway. Additionally, as mentioned, these salmon are concentrated in fish pens so they’re in a state of high stress, which the environment begins to experience. And what is nature’s clean-up crew? Bacteria, viruses and parasites. In this case, you’ve got them all. When I mentioned this on the deck of the whaling boat, an indigenous chief took me by the shoulder and swung me around. He pointed at a white beach in the distance and asked “Do you know what that is?” I admitted I didn’t. He said, “That’s a clam bed and we’re losing them at the rate of one a year and none of us could figure out why until just this moment.” You see, as the salmon farm upsets the natural balance of the ecosystem, the entire system loses balance and energy and begins to break down. Does it happen immediately? Of course not. But man is stubborn and persistent, so we’ve stuck at it. I no longer lament the coming of the red tide, the killer kelp, or the pine beetle destroying Canada’s pine forests. Instead, I ask why? What are the kelp and the beetles telling us? You see nature doesn’t make mistakes. She may appear ruthless, but only to the degree necessary to attain balance. The indigenous have always known this. And what is indigenous wisdom? When our whale boat docked in the indigenous village, I followed the chief to the village’s long house. This enormous house can seat thousands of people. The roof was supported by an enormous beam that ran for hundreds of feet. The cross structures were unique, as was the air space at the top. I inquired. “Oh, this method of construction is of our forefathers. There are no nails or attachments that hold this structure together. This structure stands because it is in balance.” When the white ranchers came to the prairies in the region of the Navajo peoples, they were troubled by the gophers. They hypothesized that the gopher holes could result in injury to their animals. Even this shows their lack of understanding, as a horse will gallop across a field of gophers and never step in a hole. But that’s a bit tangential. The rancher’s solution was to kill the gophers. The Navajo said to them, “If you kill the gophers it will never rain here again.” The ranchers laughed and killed the gophers. It never rained there again. The Navajo may not have known exactly why the rains would stop, but they knew intuitively that they would. In point of fact, the gophers aerated the Earth which caused the water table to stay near the surface. This led to evaporation, condensation, and rain. When the gophers were killed, the aeration stopped, and the water table receded to a greater depth, so that evaporation wasn’t possible. There was now no moisture in the sky to give rise to rain. It goes back to the very theme of these books and the plight of man. If man doesn’t understand it, or if man can’t measure it, well, it simply doesn’t exist. At least, it doesn’t exist until it’s extinct or we make a breakthrough in measuring science. How’s that for an upside-down fruit cake? Who’s working 24/7 to balance us? And just how balanced are nature’s ecosystems? Perfectly. Think about this for a moment. We’re approaching seven billion souls on this planet. When we’re out of balance, what helps balance us? The Earth and her nature. Therefore, the Earth is constantly changing her energy to balance our influence. This is the great symbiosis. If this is true, then she and we must have evolved somehow to a place where we support each other, and of course, we have. Let’s look at plants. Could we survive without them? No. Plants are the only life form on Earth that can take solid rock with no nutritional value, break it up into its constituent components, and colloid them in such a way that we can absorb them into our cells. Without these minerals, we could not live a day, because our entire electrical system runs on them. Plants breathe in carbon and expire out oxygen. What do we need to live on? Oxygen. In fact, if you look at a tree and you look at your lungs, your lungs look like an upside-down tree. Plants have been evolving here for more than 100,000,000 years, versus man’s likely inhabitance of 6,000,000 years. Today, humanity has created so many antibiotics that viruses are roiling out of control. Think of it this way, it may take 100 scientists ten years to develop a new antibiotic. We now know that from the time the virus is exposed to the anti-biotic, it’ll take the virus seven generations to mutate to the point where it can survive the new anti-biotic. A generation for a bacteria or virus is two days. So in two weeks, the bacteria or virus man wants to kill is no longer affected by the anti-biotic that took us ten years to develop. Does this convey a clear enough picture? Here’s the good news. The plants on the planet Earth do have solutions to bacteria and viruses. Why? Because they’ve been evolving their chemistry sets for a 100,000,000 years. They are chemical factories. I’ve seen when pine beetles are about to arrive in an area. Before they arrive, the pine trees that are about to be infested have already started growing new sprouts. They know they’re about to be killed. Their plant neighbours have sent out the communication. So, the trees with the solutions to assist humanity in humanity’s transition to high vibration and a complete absence of disease, well, those are the trees we’re cutting down. We’re cutting them down so we can take live things and make dead things out of them. Nature is able to provide everything humanity needs to survive and thrive and it does this best when it’s alive. How has humanity arrived to this point? Obviously our awareness fell as our vibration fell. Part of that falling awareness was a developing fear of nature; it’s this fear that caused us to move indoors. I’m here to tell you that our problems aren’t solvable indoors. We need to step back into nature. Nature can even change your mind Let’s say you’re a scientist working on a mathematical theory. You’ve looked at it hour after hour, day after day and you’re following the pattern of the subjective mind. You’re following the pattern of thought, accompanied by the same emotion, driving the same experience, enforcing the same belief. You can’t have a different experience if you can’t Reconnecting with Earth naturally through nature have a different emotion. So your mind gets stuck in going around and around and cannot find the solution which has been shown as a recipe. You get some other scientist to look at the formula, but they’ve had the same experience and the same emotions, so they can’t give you an answer. You get frustrated and so you decide to go for a walk. You’re walking and all of a sudden a bird darts by, a breeze picks up, a leaf falls on you, and you look up. Your nose starts to take in the smell of the flowers, the nature around you; you start to feel the sun on you. You take in a deep breath and here comes that idea, “I’ve got it.” You’re having different emotions, you’re having different experiences. Now, you go back in and look at that formula and say, “That’s missing and that needs to be adjusted; there, that fits.” But, if you stay in the room with the same experiences without the momentary hors d’oeuvre of nature, you get stuck. Fifteen minutes outside is the same as a fifteen minute nap. You’ve heard about these power naps. It’s the same thing, you’re going into an expanded state to gather from higher consciousness that which you do not know. Man has been indoors too long. You have to consciously break the cycle you’ve gotten yourself into. When you go to Thomas Edison’s workshop in Florida, it is full of creations—tens of thousands of creations that never worked. He had this little walk from his workshop through these beautiful trees, and on the trunks grew orchids with beautiful smells. The walk was short, I’d say about ten paces at a fast walk into his house. Workshop to house is all the nature he got. That was enough for him to invent the incandescent light bulb. But it took him 10,000 tries to get it right. Now, if he’d spent more time in nature, it wouldn’t have taken him 10,000 tries to get it right. Step into the land of miracles You notice the healing effect upon you when you simply take a walk in nature. I choose my words carefully. For years, I’ve been outside walking through nature. I’m saying a walk ‘in’ nature. Life Force Energy permeates all living things, from the amoeba to the great forests of the world. And as we’ve learned, we absorb Life Force Energy. We use it and we radiate it. So do the forests. When you’re walking through the forest, you’re breathing in her sustaining oxygen and you’re breathing in the Life Force Energy she’s radiating. A person can become so intoxicated from the richness of the oxygen that they can become dizzy as all their systems renew. There’s a miracle in everything you take in. Your heart chakra is the exact middle of the electromagnetic spectrum, the color green. Interestingly enough, the color green is also the color that the cones of your eyes are most sensitive too. Have you ever revelled as I have in the multitudes of green in nature? Just coincidence? Well, how about this then? All colors have complementary colors. Recently, I was exposed to a light which shone upon me the pure green light of our heart chakra. This has a wavelength of 518 nanometers. When the light was turned off, what color did I see? Pink. Pink is the color of self-love. In color therapy, what have we learned about pink? It leads to calm and serenity, neutralizes disorder, and lends itself to relaxation, acceptance, and contentment. So when you’re taking in the green of the forest, you’re being bathed in the complementary color of green, which is pink. But it doesn’t stop here. You see even the crickets in the forest are reaching out to save you. I heard a recording of crickets singing once. When the recording was sped up, it sounded like a Mozart symphony, and that Mozart music is magically healing. It’s time for you to start going into nature where everything is balancing you. When in balance, as you know, your body is able to absorb more of the infinite field, Life Force Energy. Time for you to step beyond the ordinary— nature is extraordinary This book has acquainted you with resonating in the state of the higher mind. Going into nature and observing nature will move you into this mind state—the state where you reconnect back into your instinct. A couple of years ago, I was out in the wilderness surrounding Skitchine Lodge, doing some fly fishing. I was alone on Osprey Lake. There’s something about not catching fish that connects one to nature. You’re focused on the casting, but you’re also paying attention to the hatch of flies and aquatic insects. You hear the birds and experience the water. There’s a rhythm to it, it’s like nature is breathing in and out, and you’re both the inhale and the exhale. As I was bobbing about I saw an approaching storm. I was several miles from the lodge by foot and boat. I decided to ride the storm out in nature. As it began to rain, I rowed my boat for shore. The skies opened up in a downpour. I landed my boat and scrambled into the trees. Nestled against the trunk of a large tree, I witnessed the most spectacular things. The rain turned to large hail, pelting the water into animation. Everything in nature seemed to want to escape this deluge and headed for the trees. There I was with every imaginable insect leaving the lake and heading towards me. It was the most marvellous and spellbinding thing to witness. I felt at one with everything. Nothing was seeking me out to prey upon me or sting me. We were all one and we were seeking to share the same shelter. As the storm passed overhead and the sun came out, inches of hail lay thick upon the ground and all around, and then the storm turned and came back. There I was in the middle of this storm that just circled over head releasing its life giving energy, and putting on a display, all for me. When I arrived back at the lodge my elderly father told me he was concerned for my safety. Safety? I had just experienced being one with nature. An explorer had just Reconnecting with Earth naturally through nature. Change is Natural re-connected with all that is. It’s time to take your shoes off and walk on the Earth.Its time to become one with her again. Pure Leadership is knowing that the fast track to Homo Luminous is you reconnecting and resonating with all of nature. I call it the Natural Journey to Pure Leadership, and we’ll be providing you a way to do just that. You can get more information about it at www.pureleadership. com.

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