How Do I Become Homo Luminous?
When Jim Malcolm started Pure Leadership in 2010, his intention was to be on a spiritual journey, to raise his vibration, to change his life in significant ways en route to becoming Homo Luminous. Jim has written and published 4 books that are essential guides to those who are on the Homo Luminous path. From being a Homo Sapien - being of survival, to becoming Homo Luminous - being of light, Pure Leadership is all about how to become that which you are meant to be.
In order to become the being of light that you were meant to be, you must rediscover who you really are. Book 1 in the Pure Leadership series (Rediscovering Who You Really Are) is the starting point to experience your life being transformed beyond imagination. Book 3 in the Pure Leadership series, Change is Natural, is a treasure of information and exercises that will further transform your life in profound ways. Life will never be the same again!
Visit us at pureleadership.com for more information on how you can experience a life that is beyond anything that you can imagine.